
Website Disclosure under Companies Act,2013-Regular
Companies Act,2013

Section 12

Registered Office of Company

Chapter II Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014

Rule 26. Publication of name by Company Rule 26. (1)

Every Company which has a website for conducting online business or otherwise, shall disclose/

publish its name, address of its registered office, the Corporate Identity Number, Telephone number, Fax number if any, email and the name of the person who may be contacted in case of any queries or grievances on the landing home page of the saidwebsite.


Section 92

Annual Return Section 92(3)


Every Company shall place a copy of the annual return on thewebsite of the Company, if any, and

the web-link of such annual return shall be disclosed in the Board's report.


Section 101

Notice of Meeting

Section 101 (1)

Chapter VII The Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014

Rule 18. Notice of the Meeting Rule 18 (3) (ix)

The notice of the general meeting of the company shall be simultaneously placed on thewebsite

of the Company


Section 108

Voting through Electronic means

Chapter VII The Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014

Rule 20. Voting Though Electronic Means Rule 20 (4)(ii), (4)(v) and (4)(xvi)

A Company opting to provide the electronic voting facility to its members at any general meeting

shall place the notice of the meeting, public notice and the results of the meeting on thewebsite of the company, if any.


Section 115

Resolutions Requiring Special Notice

Chapter VII The Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014

Rule 23. Special Notice Rule 23 (4)

Where it is not practicable to give the notice in the same manner as it gives notice of any general

meetings, the notice shall be published in English language in English newspaper and in vernacular language in a vernacular newspaper, both having wide circulation in the State where the registered office of the Company is situated and such notice shall also be posted on thwebsite, if

any, of the Company.


Section 135

Corporate Social Responsibility Section 135 (4)

Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014

Rule 9. Display of CSR Activities on its Website and Chapter IX The Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 Rule 9. Disclosures about CSR Policy

The Board of Directors of the Company shall mandatorily disclose the composition of the CSR

Committee, and CSR Policy and Projects approved by the Board on theirwebsite, if any, for public access.

The Company shall disclose the contents of Corporate Social Responsibility Policy in the Board’s repon and on the Company’s website.


Section 149

Company to have Board of Directors

Section 149 (8) read with Schedule


Every Company appointing independent directors shall publish the terms and conditions of the

appointment of the Independent Director on thewebsite of the Company.


Section 168

Resignation of Director

Section 168 (1)

Chapter XI The Companies (Appointment and Qualifications of Directors) Rules, 2014

Rule 15. Notice of Resignation of Director

The Company shall within thirty days from the date of receipt of notice of resignation from a

director, intimate the Registrar in Form DIR-12 and post the information on itswebsite, if any


Section 177

Audit Committee

Proviso to Section 177(10)

The Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014 Rule 7 Establishment of Vigil Mechanism

The details of establishment of Vigil Mechanism shall be disclosed by the Company on itswebsite,

if any, and in the Board’s report.


Section 178

Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Stakeholders Relationship Committee

Proviso to Section 178 (4)


Nomination and Remuneration policy shall be placed on the website of the Company, if any, and

the salient features of the policy and changes therein, if any, along with theu/eb address of the policy, if any, shall be disclosed in the Board's report


Section 248

Power of Registrar to Remove Name of Company from Register of Companies.

Section 248 (4)

Chapter XVIII The Companies (Removal of Name of Companies from the Register of Companies)

Rules, 2016

Rule 7. Manner of publication of notice Rule 7. Proviso to Sub-Rule (1)

The application made by the Company under sub-section (2) of section 248 of the Act, shall also

placed on its website, if any, till the disposal of the application.

Sexual Harassment of Women Act (Prevention,Prohibition And Redressal) Act,2013 ("POSH")
1 Companies to whom POSH Compliances are applicable and has POSH policy in place has to disclose the same on the website of the Company, if any



Website disclosure under Companies Act 2013-Adhoc

Section 8

Formation of Companies with Charitable Objects, etc

Chapter II The Companies
(Incorporation) Rules, 2014

Rule 22. Other Conditions to be Complied With by Companies Registered Under Section 8 Seeking Conversion into Any Other Kind

Rule 22. (1) (b)

The Company registered under Section 8 seeking conversion into any other kind, shall within a week from the date of submitting the application to the Regional Director publish a notice in Form INC-19, at its own expense on the website of the company, if any
2 ——

Chapter II The Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014

Rule 37. Conversion of Unlimited Liability Company into a Limited Liability Company by Shares or Guarantee

The Unlimited Liability Company seeking conversion into a Limited Liability Company by Shares or Guarantee shall within seven days from the date of passing of the special resolution in a general meeting, publish a notice, in Form No. INC-27A of such proposed conversion in two newspapers (one in English and one in vernacular language) in the district in which the registered office of the company is situate and shall also place the same on the website of the Company, if any, indicating clearly the proposal of conversion of the company into a company limited by shares or guarantee, and seeking objections if any, from the persons interested in its affairs to such conversion and cause a copy of such notice to be dispatched to its creditors and debentures holders made as on the date of notice of the general meeting by registered post or by speed post or through courier

with proof of dispatch.


Section 13

Alteration of Memorandum Section 13(8)(i)

Chapter II The Companies

(Incorporation) Rules, 2014

Rule 32. Change of Objects for Which Money is Raised Through Prospectus

Rule 32 (3)

A Company which has raised money from public through prospectus and having unutilised amount out of the money so raised can change its objects for which it had raised the money by passing a special resolution and the details, as may be prescribed, in respect of such resolution shall be placed on the website of the company, if any, indicating therein the justification for such change and shall also be published at least once in a vernacular newspaper and in an English newspaper.

Section 27


Variation in terms of contract or object on prospectus

Chapter III Part I The Companies

(Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014


Rule 7. Variation in Terms of Contracts Referred to in the Prospectus or Objects for Which Prospectus was Issued

The Company which has raised money from public through prospectus and has any unutilized amount out of the money so raised shall not vary the terms of contracts referred to in the prospectus or objects for which the prospectus was issued except by passing a special resolution through postal ballot and placing the notice of the proposed special resolution on the website of the Company.

Section 66


Reduction of share capital.

National Company Law Tribunal

(Procedure for reduction of share

capital of Company) Rules, 2016

Rule 3. Issue of notice and directions by the National Company Law Tribunal.-

The Tribunal shall along with directions under Rule 3(1) give directions for the notice to be

published, in Form No. RSC-4 within seven days from the date on which the directions are given, in English language in a leading English newspaper and in a leading vernacular language newspaper, both having wide circulation in the State in which the registered office of the Company is situated, or such newspapers as may be directed by the Tribunal and for uploading on the website of the Company (if any) seeking objections from the creditors and intimating about the date of hearing.


Section 73

Prohibition on acceptance of

deposits from public.

Chapter V The Companies

(Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014

Rule 4. Form and Particulars of Advertisements or Circulars

Rule 4. (2)

Every eligible company intending to invite deposits shall issue a circular in the form of an

advertisement in Form DPT-1 for the purpose in English language in an English newspaper having country wide circulation and in vernacular language in a vernacular newspaper having wide circulation in the State in which the registered office of the company is situated, and shall also place such circular on the website of the company, if any


Section 91

Power to Close Register of Members or Debenture- Holders or Other Security Holders.

Section 91 (1)

Chapter VII The Companies

(Management and Administration) Rules, 2014

Rule 10. Closure of Register of Members or Debenture Holders or Other Security Holders

Rule 10 (1)

A company closing the register of members or the register of debenture holders or the register of

other security holders shall give at least seven days previous notice and in such manner, as may be specified by Securities and Exchange Board of India, if such company is a listed company or intends to get its securities listed, by advertisement at least once in a vernacular newspaper in the principal vernacular language of the district and having a wide circulation in the place where the registered office of the company is situated, and at least once in English language in an English newspaper circulating in that district and having wide circulation in the place where the registered office of the company is situated and publish the notice on the website as may be notified by the Central Government and on the website, if any, of the Company.


Section 110

Postal ballot Section 110 (1) (b)

Chapter VII The Companies

(Management and Administration) Rules, 2014

Rule 22. Procedure to be Followed for Conducting Business Through Postal Ballot

Rule 22 (4) and 22 (13)

The notice of the postal ballot shall be placed on the website of the Company forthwith after the

notice is sent to the members and such notice shall remain on such website till the last date for receipt of the postal ballots from the members.

The results of voting by postal ballot shall be declared by placing it, along with the scrutinizer’s report, on the website of the company.


Section 124

Unpaid Dividend Account Section 124 (2)

Investor Education and Protection

Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016

Rule 6. Manner of transfer of shares under sub-section (6) of section 124 to the Fund

Rule (6)(3)(a)

The Company shall within a period of 90 days of making any transfer of an amount u/s 124(1) to

Unpaid Dividend Account, prepare a statement containing the names, their last known addresses and the unpaid dividend to be paid to each person and place it on the website of the Company, if any, and also on any other website approved by the Central Government for this purpose.


Section 125

Investor Education and Protection Fund ("IEPF」)

Investor Education and Protection

Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016


Rule S. Statement to be furnished to the Fund

Every Company shall within a period of 60 days after the holding of Annual General Meeting or

the date on which it should have been held as per the provisions of section 96 of the Act, whichever is earlier and every year thereafter till completion of the 7 years period, identify the unclaimed amounts, as referred in sub-section (2) of section 125 of the Act, as on the date of closure of financial year the account of which are to be adopted in the Annual General Meeting as per sub-section (1) of section 137 of the Act, separately furnish and upload on its own website and also on website of Authority or any other website as may be specified by the Government, a statement or information of unclaimed and unpaid amounts separately for each of the previous seven financial years through Form No. IEPF-2.


Section 125

Investor Education and Protection Fund ("IEPF」)

Investor Education and Protection

Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016


Rule 7. Refund to claimants from Fund.

Every Company which is required to credit amounts or shares to the fund or has deposited the

amount or transferred the shares to the Fund and has nominated a Nodal Officer shall display the name of such Nodal Officer and his email id on its website, if any.


Section 134 (3)

Financial Statement, Board’s Report

Second proviso of 134 (3)


A Company shall place its policy on Director’s appointment and remuneration including criteria

for determining qualifications, positive attributes, independence of a director and other matters provided under sub-section (3) of Section 178 and details about the Policy developed and implemented by the company on corporate social responsibility initiatives taken during the year as per Section 135, on the website of the Company.

If such policy is made available on the website of the company, it shall be sufficient compliance of the requirements under such clauses if the salient features of the policy and any change therein are specified in brief in the Board’s Report and the web address is indicated therein at which the

complete policy is available.


Section 136


Right of member to copies of

audited financial statement


Fourth Proviso of Section 136 (1)

Financial Statements &

Consolidated Financial Statements

Listed Company shall place its financial statements including consolidated financial statements, if any, all other documents required to be attached thereto, on its website, which is maintained by or on behalf of the company.

Every listed Company having subsidiary or subsidiaries shall place separate audited accounts in

respect of each of its subsidiary on its website, if any.

Further, a listed company which has a subsidiary incorporated outside India (herein referred to as 「foreign subsidiary");

a. where such foreign subsidiary is statutorily required to prepare consolidated financial statement under any law of the country of its incorporation, the requirement of this proviso shall be met if consolidated financial statement of such foreign subsidiary is placed on the website of the listed company;

where such foreign subsidiary is not required to get its financial statement audited under any law of the country of its incorporation and which does not get such financial statement audited, the holding Indian listed company may place such unaudited financial statement on its website and where such financial statement is in a language other than English, a translated copy of the financial statement in English shall also be placed on the website.


Section 160

Right of Persons Other than retiring Directors to Stand for Directorship

Section 160 (2)

Chapter XI The Companies

(Appointment and Qualifications of Directors) Rules, 2014

Rule 13. Notice of Candidature of a Person for Directorship

Rule 13(2)

The Company shall, at least 7 days before the general meeting, inform its members of the

candidature of a person for the office of a director or the intention of a member to propose such person as a candidate for that office by placing notice of such candidature or intention on the website of the Company


Section 230

Power to Compromise or Make Arrangements with Creditors and members.

Proviso to Section 230 (3)

Companies (Compromises,

Arrangements and Amalgamations) Rules, 2016

Rule 7. Advertisement of the notice of the meeting.

The notice of the meeting under sub-section (3) of section 230 of the Act shall be advertised in

Form No. CAA.2 in at least one English newspaper and in at least one vernacular newspaper having wide circulation in the state in which the registered office of the company is situated, or such newspaper as may be directed by the Tribunal and shall also be placed, not less than thirty days before the date fixed for the meeting, on the website of the company, of the SEBI and the recognized stock exchange where the securities of the Company are listed


Chapter XXVII National Company

Law Tribunal Rules, 2016

Rule 35. Advertisement detailing petition.

Where any application, petition or reference is required to be advertised, it shall, unless the

Tribunal otherwise orders, or these rules otherwise provide, be advertised in Form NCLT-3A, not less than fourteen days before the date fixed for hearing, at least once in a vernacular newspaper in the principal vernacular language of the district in which the registered office of the company is situate, and at least once in English language in an English newspaper circulating in that district. And where the advertisement is being given by the company, then the same may also be placed

on the website of the Company


Section 236

Purchase of Minority Shareholding

Chapter XV The Companies

(Compromises, Arrangements and Amalgamations) Rules, 2016

Rule 26 A. Purchase of minority shareholding held in demat form

Rule 26 A.(3)

A copy of the notice served to the minority shareholders under sub-rule 26A (2), shall also be published simultaneously in two widely circulated newspapers (one in English and one in vernacular language) in the district in which the registered office of the company is situated and also be uploaded on the website of the company, if any.

Section 245

Class Action. Section 245 (5)(a)

Chapter XXVII The National

Company Law Tribunal Rules, 2016 Rule 87. Publication of notice

Rule 87. (1) (b)

For the purposes of clause (a) of sub section (5) of section 245 of the Act, on the admission of an

application filed under sub-section (1) of section 245 of the Act, a public notice shall be issued by the Tribunal as per Form No NCLT-13 to all the members of the class by requiring the company to place the public notice on the website of such company, if any, in addition to publication of such public notice in newspaper under sub-clause (a):

Provided that such notice shall also be placed on the websites of the Tribunal and the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, the concerned Registrar of Companies and in respect of a listed company on the website of the concerned stock exchange where the company has any of its securities listed, until the application is disposed of by the Tribunal.